This is why it takes me forever to get anything done: I've just spent the past 10 minutes reading synopsis on both 'A Room with a View' and 'Rear Window' to make sure I had given this post an accurate title. Shit! Now I have to go and look up synopsis and make sure I spelled it correctly and see if that's the plural or singular. Be right back.
Okay, here's what the dictionary says:
synopsis |səˈnäpsis| noun
( pl. -ses |-ˌsēz|)
a brief summary or general survey of something : a synopsis of the accident. • an outline of the plot of a book, play, movie, or episode of a television show.
SO...I spent 10 minutes several minutes ago reading synopsES on both stories. Now I forgot what either said. Each new piece of information seems to push an older one out.
The View from my Rear Window has been amazing today. The birds were giving me quite a show.
These are my male and female painted buntings. They only visit for the winter and probably summer in Canada; kind of like the golfers at the club right now.
In between the buntings and this beautiful cardinel was a hummingbird which flew off the moment I aimed my camera.
These are the reasons why I don't mind time at my kitchen sink.
Speaking of Canada and golf, I had a lovely round of golf with Michael and my dad. Well, lovely is probably an overstatement. I swung my club more times than they did, but I had my camera and enjoyed the day in spite of that damn white ball.
I thought this was an interesting way to recycle old wine bottles
and this put a whole new spin on looking for golf balls!
Aside from bird-watching and golf, I've been knitting, knitting, knitting like mad. I am almost finished with the gift for my KTC swap pal. It's been a lot of fun and I can hardly wait to get it done.
I took a look at my knitting 'area' the other day and realized it looked like a tornado had struck!
Yes, each of those bags contains yarn. There's even yarn on the floor and behind the chair! Ahhh Christmas, that time of year when the Zen of Knitting turns into something that feels more like bungie diving.
This post is getting too long and I've got miles of yarn to knit tonight so I'll close with a picture of Michael modeling his balaclava which he will wear when he sees snow for the first time later this month.