When we bought our house a year ago, it came with eight chickens. I have always wanted chickens so this was awesome!
BH (Before Hooch), the chickens free-ranged throughout the day in the backyard. As soon as they were let out of the coop, they would make a beeline for the screen door, peering over the bottom section of the door and clucking for their morning treats. AH (After Hooch), we had to build a run for them to stay in during the day as Hooch saw them as the BEST SQUEAK TOYS EVER.
Hooch with Ginger II, the real squeak toy chicken. He chewed the squeaker out of Ginger I.
Now that the chick-a-booms are sequestered in their run, I go out to see them. Sometimes bringing treats and most often just to collect eggs. They never show their appreciation when I bring them treats, but boy do I get stink eye when I'm just there to get eggs!
We've had our fair share of "Green Acres" moments with these girls, but at the end of the day, I'm happy they are here, stink eye and all!