Today's prompt for the Sunday Story on One-Minute Writer:
"Write a Sunday Story about a character who refuses to take responsibility for any event in their life, no matter how obviously they are to blame."
I call him "Teflon Man" because nothing seems to stick to him. Or so he thinks.
Teflon Man and his side-kick Not Me wreck havoc in the bedroom, the closet and the bathroom. They are often accompanied by their wing man, I. Dunno.
Not Me has atrocious aim when it comes to the toilet. Not Me can't pick up a towel to save his life. Not Me smears toothpaste around the sink.
I ask, "Who made the mess in this bathroom?"
TM replies, "Not Me!"
"Well, who's going to clean it up?"
"I. Dunno"
Not Me won't close a drawer or hang up a shirt. Not Me leaves books on the nightstand and all the lights on.
"Who left the light on?"
"Not Me!"
"Who's putting the laundry away?"
"I. Dunno"
Not Me left the bike out one night. The next morning it was gone.
"I can't believe you! I told you to put that bike away last night! Who do you think is going to buy you a new bike?"
"I. Dunno"
I. Dunno's list is growing and Teflon Man now calls me U. Donthavetoyell.
Should you happen to run into I. Dunno and Not Me, could you please tell them that U. Donthavetoyell looking for them?
They'll never find the bodies. I promise.