It's been a long time since I've written. Please accept my most sincere apologizes for the delay.
Since my last post, a lot and nothing has happened.
Under the category of a lot, Lizzy graduated high school - with honors. Yipee! Hurray! What a milestone that was!
Lizzy also took her first road trip with her "BFF", Katie. I was most definitely weepier at her driving away than watching her cross the stage to get her diploma!
Summer has been busy with lots of trips to the beach and the ER.
The beach is infinitely more fun and less costly than the ER so I've enclosed some pictures of Michael at the beach for you to see.
Unfortunately, with Lizzy's broken foot (her right foot!) in a boot, beach trips became fewer and doctor's appointments became more frequent. A typical summer day became not about Michael going straight from swim practice to the beach, but as follows:
7:30 - Deliver Lizzy to the pool for practice. (She could use her upper body and swim without the boot.)
8:30 - Pick Lizzy up from one pool and deliver her to another so she could teach a water-babies class.
9:00 - Deliver Michael back to the first pool for his swim practice.
10:00 - Take Michael home from swimming.
11:00 - Pick Lizzy up from the second pool.
1:30 - Deliver Lizzy to a home where she was giving private swim lessons.
2:30 - Pick Lizzy up.
4:00 - Deliver Lizzy to physical therapy for her shoulder. (She was also being treated for tendinitis in her shoulder; that's really how the summer started. - We became very good pals with our Ortho. doc.)
5:00 - Pick Lizzy up from PT.
6:00 - Deliver Lizzy to the first pool of the day so she could coach the area Parks and Rec. swim team.
8:00 - Pick Lizzy up.
Interspersed with all of this were doctor and dentist appointments, grocery shopping, cooking and all those other joyful tasks that make this world keep on spinning. The final tally:
Six dentist visits
Nine doctor visits
Two haircuts
Fourteen trips to physical therapy
Time together? Priceless...yeah, right, okay.
The really cool thing we got this summer was the kayak. It brought peace, tranquility, beautiful sunsets from the water and most of all, great fun with the very best of friends. This could become a very serious hobby for me.
We also had swim meets! What fun it is to watch Michael swim!
During the course of the summer we were honored with visits from dear friends from kind-of-near (Port St. Lucie) and far (Arkansas)! How lucky I am to have such wonderful girlfriends who would travel to visit us!