As if buckets and buckets of rain isn't enough, school is canceled for the rest of the week! As Lizzy said, "Last Monday was just a dry run. Next Monday's the real start." How lucky am I to get to be that happy two Mondays in a row!
At 10:30 last night I was merrily knitting away, listening to the wind howl and the rain splash when all of a sudden there was that sickening pop and flash of a transformer blowing. Instant darkness. Out came the lanterns, on when the candles and since there was now absolutely nothing to do, I continued knitting.
This morning we fired up the generator and supplied coffee to neighbors. Nothing else to do but watch the rain and knit; that's definitly the upside to weather like this, but it is getting ridiculous!
Good deeds must pay because mid-afternoon our Angel of Mercy arrived in his chariot of silver bearing the initials FPL on the side. In no time we were up and running again!
As always after a power outage, I am struck by how much electricity we can absolutely do without and how very much we use without thinking.