It's done, it's done, I can't believe it's done!
This feels like an absolute victory over something that I often felt went out of it's way to defeat me. I 'wrastled' that sucker to the floor and while my french knots are more like french nots and there may not be exactly a prayer in every stitch, I hope that baby Alex will enjoy this for many years to come.
I also fervently hope that Jennifer, her mom, will not put this in the washing machine because she will end up with one very felted washcloth.
When that last safety pin was removed from that back, I danced the kazatski, yelled 'hip hip hurray' and swore never to make another of these again!
I was so happy, in fact, that I promptly picked up another bit of knitting that I have been working of for some time. This is a surprise gift for one who will not be mentioned at this time. Suffice it to say that this project has a definite completion date which must be met.
Feeling quite victorious, I was literally whistling as my addi turbo circs zipped round and round. I felt invincible as the fabric grew longer. I reached for the yarn needed for another color change and that's when Ralph Sockman's seed germinated. I looked at my beautiful circle of knitted fabric and one word came to my mind: Mobius' Twist.
I had my husband look at it. "Nope, can't be untwisted," he said. I knew that's what he'd say.
I walked away from it, hoping that it would look different upon my return. It didn't.
I growled at my little dog, thinking that would frighten my beautiful circle into straightening itself out. It couldn't.
I finally called Patti and with tears hot behind my eyes, explained my dilemma and she spoke those words that I had so quickly banished from my mind not 30 minutes earlier: "Mobius' Twist." Then she said three more words that dealt the lethal blow to the nights' earlier victory: "Rip it out."
I wonder if Ralph W. Sockman was a knitter. With a last name like Sockman, I'll bet someone in his ancestry was!