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The Parking Spot

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January 26, 2008



They were so wanting to take off in that boat, weren't they? I woke up contemplating when I would have time to scan my dad's old photos. Perhaps that was inspired by today's theme.


Great photo to share.

Thanks for stopping by.


That photo is PRICELESS! Thanks for sharing:)

Utah Mommy

Great shot it sure looks old to me. Perfect for the theme. Happy weekend!


Terrific picture. And it fits the theme very well.

Thanks for visiting me and leaving a message. I, too, love the harp in the back of the chair. I tried to convince my daughter it was meant to be at the piano, but she assured me it fit the desk and was meant to be there. She's right, of course.

sarge charlie

excellent choice for this theme


So great to have those old photos and old memories.


So great to have those old photos and old memories.

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